Fair Isle Knitting workshop – new dates
I have planned another date for my popular Fair Isle Knitting workshop in 2025. Let me tell you about this workshop.
When does the Fair Isle Knitting workshop take place?
This workshop will take place from 10:00–16:00 on Saturday, 5 July 2025.
Where is the Being Knitterly Studio?
The Being Knitterly Studio is in Loughborough, Leicestershire. I shall send you full details and directions after you have booked.
Why should you come to this workshop?
You find Fair Isle knitting inspiring because of the variety of patterns and the beautiful use of colour. Maybe you love the look of Fair Isle knitting but do not know how to start. Or you might have done some and want to improve your technique. Maybe you are intrigued by knitting and cutting steeks but want someone to show you how before you attempt this on your knitting.

You will have refreshments all day, a home-cooked vegetarian lunch (for all dietary needs), as well as delicious home-baked cake in the afternoon.
“It really helps having someone as patient as Nicki to explain the techniques and then sort out the problems when they occur. You go home more confident to try it at home.”

How will you learn?
I shall demonstrate techniques, both to groups and individuals. The first few times that you try something new, I will talk you through it while you do it. You will repeat each new technique several times when you work on your project.
There are now three levels in my Fair Isle Knitting workshop.
- Level 1 is for knitters new to Fair Isle knitting.
- Level 2 is for knitters who hold one yarn in each hand when working stranded colourwork.
- Level 3 is for knitters confident holding one yarn in each hand when working stranded colourwork. It includes a steek to help you overcome your fear of cutting your knitting!
Fair Isle Knitting Level 1: What will you learn?
You will learn to:
- Knit in the round.
- Read a stranded colourwork chart with simple motifs and limited colours.
- Knit with one yarn in each hand.
- Strand and weave in the yarns.
- Understand yarn dominance.
You will knit a headband using Shetland DK, starting with a one-colour rib in the round. For the first horizontal band of pattern, you will follow a chart with a simple motif, learning to strand the yarn, not in use, behind the new stitches. When you work the second band, you follow a chart with a diamond motif, learning to weave in long floats. Then, your project becomes easier as you repeat the first motif and finish with another one-colour rib. You will use Shetland DK, from Jamieson’s of Shetland, so you enjoy the beautiful colours without having to get used to narrow-diameter needles.
You leave the workshop having knitted most, if not all, of your headband and will only need to use the easy techniques to finish it.

“I learned so much from Nicki as I am a total novice, and came home eager to get stuck in and finish my project, which I was able to do with confidence.”
Fair Isle Knitting Level 2: What will you learn?
You will learn to:
- Knit in the round using a finer yarn than used at level 1.
- Work a corrugated rib using two colours.
- Read a stranded colourwork chart with slightly bigger motifs and more colours than level 1.
- Improve your stranding and weaving-in techniques.
- Knit with one yarn in each hand.
- Understand yarn dominance.
You will knit a headband using Shetland Spindrift, the traditional style of 4-ply yarn used for Fair Isle knitting, to get used to narrow-diameter needles. You start with a two-colour corrugated rib in the round. Then you practise the stranding and weaving-in techniques while knitting three horizontal pattern bands using more colours than at level 1. You finish by repeating the same rib.
By the end of the workshop, you will have knitted most, if not all, of your headband and know all the techniques needed to finish it.

Fair Isle Knitting Level 3: What will you learn?
You will learn to:
- Work a corrugated rib using two sets of colours.
- Read a stranded colourwork chart with more complex motifs and many colours.
- Knit with one yarn in each hand or both yarns in the left or the right hand.
- Make, cut and finish a steek.
- Pick up stitches along a steek and knit a corrugated ribbed border.
You will knit a cosy for a small cafetière, starting with a corrugated rib using several colours. Then, you work horizontal bands of patterns with different motifs, again using several colours. There will be plenty of time for you to improve your stranding and weaving-in techniques, and maybe try working with both yarns in the left or right hand. You will finish your cafetière cosy by working another corrugated rib. Then, it is the exciting part! You transform your knitting from a tube to a flat piece by cutting your knitted fabric. You can finish the edges before or after you cut the steek. And finally, you pick up stitches and add a corrugated rib band along the side of the steek. You will use Shetland Spindrift from Jamieson’s of Shetland; this is the traditional weight yarn for Fair Isle knitting.
If you do not finish their cafetière cosy, you will know how to do so.
“I came away with more confidence for my Fair Isle knitting journey and lots of practical hints and tips. The highlight for me was the steeking exercise!”
What do you need to know beforehand?
Level 1: You can cast on and off, knit, purl, and follow a simple pattern.
Level 2: You can knit in the round and may lack confidence when stranding and weaving-in yarns. You would like to practise before tackling more projects on your own.
Level 3: You can knit in the round and are fairly confident when standing and weaving in yarns. You would like to try a corrugated rib and make and finish a steek before committing to a big project.
Knitters attending the workshop may be all at the same level or have different experiences. Knitters new to Fair Isle techniques enjoy seeing what someone with more experience can do. Those with more experience benefit from seeing how far they have progressed since they started. And any knitters who did not learn with me pick up tips about the techniques I teach at Level 1.
After you book, I shall ask about your experience with Fair Isle knitting. You may feel that you are somewhere in between “Level 1” and “Level 2” or “Level 2” and “Level 3”; it doesn’t matter. Your answers will help me know which techniques and projects will be most suitable for you.
Upcoming knitting and crochet workshops
- Saturday, 18 January 2025: Fair Isle Knitting workshop – fully booked.
- Saturday, 8 February 2025: Modular Knitting workshop – booking closed.
- Saturday, 8 March 2025: Sock Knitting workshop – booking open.
- Saturday, 5 April 2025: Fair Isle Knitting workshop – fully booked.
- Saturday, 21 June 2025:Knitwear Finishing Techniques workshop – booking open.
- Saturday, 5 July 2025: Fair Isle Knitting workshop – two places remaining.
- September 2025: Sock Knitting workshop – date to be confirmed.
- October 2025: Fair Isle Knitting workshop – date to be confirmed.
- November 2025:Knitwear Finishing Techniques workshop – date to be confirmed.
Will you be offering the course on fair isle knitting again
Yes, I usually run this workshop three times a year. The last one was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I run most of my workshops from home, so I cannot run them until it is safe enough to have visitors inside our houses.