Knitwear Finishing Techniques workshop

A one-day workshop with Nicki Merrall

10:00–16:00, Saturday, 2 November 2024
Being Knitterly Studio, Loughborough, Leicestershire
Seven places

This workshop is suitable for you if you have knitted one or more garments and would like to improve your finishing techniques.

If you have never made a garment or followed a pattern before How to Knit short course for improvers would be more suitable.

Details below:

(11 customer reviews)



Knitwear Finishing Techniques – one-day workshop

Improve your finishing techniques with knitwear designer and tutor Nicki Merrall. This workshop is suitable for anyone who has knitted one or more garments and has been unhappy with the finished garment(s).

You will start by measuring stitch and row tension and finding out why these are important. Then you will knit small samples with mirrored increases and decreases and short-row shaping for shoulders.

After lunch, you will join the shoulders using a simple, clever cast-off method. Then you will a couple of small samples with different selvedges and join them using mattress stitch. Finally, you will learn how to pick up stitches for a button band and work a buttonhole.

Using these techniques will help you finish garments successfully, so you will be proud to wear them or give them to others.

“The techniques we learned will really help make garments look better. All the knitters attending were very nervous that we weren’t advanced enough for the course, but it was at just the right level for us all.”


Workshop content:

  • Knitting a tension square and measuring stitch and row tension.
  • Making and using different selvedges.
  • Shaping a garment using fully-fashioned shaping (mirrored increases and decreases).
  • Blocking your knitting.
  • Sewing seams on knitwear using mattress stitch.
  • Shaping shoulders.
  • Joining shoulders using the three-needle cast-off.
  • Picking up stitches and knitting button bands & buttonholes.


You will leave with samples of, and instructions for the techniques covered. You will be asked to knit one sample before the workshop, so you can make the most of the day.


You have knitted one or more garments and been unhappy with the finished item(s).

If you have never made a garment or followed a pattern before How to Knit for Improvers short course would be more suitable.

Further Information

Price includes:

  • Tuition.
  • Yarn for samples.
  • A summary of the techniques covered.
  • Refreshments all day, a light vegetarian lunch and home-baked cake in the afternoon.


Please bring:

  • Your knitted sample.
  • Notebook and pen.
  • 3.5 and 4.0 mm knitting needles.
  • Yarn scissors.
  • A yarn needle.


Knitting needles and yarn will be available to purchase.


The Being Knitterly Studio is in a beautiful Edwardian house in Loughborough, Leicestershire.

After booking, Nicki will email you details and directions, and ask about your previous experience.

Here is how we are keeping Covid safe.

Additional information

workshop date

Saturday 2 November 2024 at the Being Knitterly Studio

11 reviews for Knitwear Finishing Techniques workshop

  1. Jessie (verified owner)

    I really enjoyed the day at this workshop. The skills we learned were relevant to all knitters making garments. They made my knitting look neater and more professional. I feel I have learned new techniques which will be easy to adapt and use in my future projects.

    Nicki’s passion for knitting is infectious. She is patient and knowledgeable and clearly enjoys passing on her skills. The group was small enough ( 7 participants) for us all to have plenty of time to ask questions and have hands on help from Nicki.

    It was also very sociable and I particularly enjoyed chatting to other knitters as we worked.

    The venue is easy to get to and the food was delicious. There was a small pop up shop to tempt those of us that wanted to stock up on supplies.

    I’d describe myself as an intermediate level knitter having made a few garments but wanting to polish my skills. This was exactly what we achieved and I would definitely recommend this workshop to any improver knitter.

    • Being Knitterly

      Thank you Jessie! I wanted everyone to leave with lots of techniques for improving their knitting, and at the same time have had an enjoyable day with good food and company. I look forward to hearing how you get on with future projects.

  2. cdavis281 (verified owner)

    I enjoyed this course as it’s hands on and we worked through the different techniques at our own pace. The course covered many tips and techniques for shaping, all of which contribute to a much more professional end result when reaching the finale of making up a garment. It’s often the small things that make a difference eg tips about reading yarn labels, the value of tension squares, blocking, needle sizes and how the same size needle can produce a different tension etc. I’d describe my knitting ability as “just about intermediate”. I’m largely self taught and I’ve made many mistakes along the way (and still do!). I have a stop/start relationship with knitting projects. I came away inspired. I’ve now picked up my needles again and have my next project planned. I’m also going to try knitting with circular needles too and perhaps next year, venture into the world of crochet. The day flew by punctuated by many refreshments, delicious home made biscuits, cake and of course a vegetarian lunch. Perfect. Thanks Nicki.

    • Being Knitterly

      Thank you Caroline! I’m glad you found it useful. Hopefully, now you’ll want to knit more often. I’m looking forward to hearing about your next project.

  3. Judith Sismey (verified owner)

    I really enjoyed the course on 15th September. I’ve been knitting for a long time but often been disappointed with my finished garments. I’ve not always done the the things Nicki covered as I’ve always been impatient to get a garment finished! Having done the course and now having bought blocking mats I will be more careful with my knitting, doing a tension square and blocking my knitting before sewing up!! Nicki was very patient and encouraging and gave us alll the help we needed. It was a lovely group and we managed to chat as well as knit. The day went by very quickly but Nicki kept us all on track and we covered all the things in her very helpful booklet. It’s given me confidence to try some new skills. My projects may not get finished as quickly but they should be better in the long run!
    Thanks for an enjoyable day, Nicki and the lovely food!

    • Being Knitterly

      Judith, I’m so glad you enjoyed the workshop. Hopefully, you will find that you finish garments faster as you become more familiar with the techniques.

  4. Christine Knowler (verified owner)

    I attended the Finishing Techniques day on 9th February. We were a small group which was nice as we were given a lot of individual attention. Nicki is very informative and patient. We learnt the reasons for making a tension square and blocking it before knitting. We were taught ways to finish a garment by decreasing or increasing within the body of the garment, knitting seams, button holes/bands and picking up stitches around neck lines. I hope now I can make a garment and finish it straight away rather than putting it to one side. As before Nicki gave us a lovely lunch with home made food and cake, The day flew past. Well worth the long journey!

    • Being Knitterly

      Christine, I’m glad you enjoyed the workshop. I hope that you’ll be sharing your beautifully finished garments on Ravelry!

  5. Gina Mulheron (verified owner)

    I had an enjoyable day on the Finishing Techniques workshop. Nicki is very knowledgeable and with us being a small group, gave lots of individual help when needed and answered all our questions and introduced us to modern knitting techniques. We also received a useful course booklet to take home

    I enjoy knitting but lacked confidence in finishing the individual garments. No more. The finishing techniques Nicki showed us has improved my confidence, knitting skills and knowledge. Now I am looking forward to completing my next project and know it will look more professional and polished.

    It was a friendly, relaxed workshop with time to chat and Nicki provided us with home made biscuits, cake, and a delicious vegetarian lunch.

    I highly recommend this workshop for anyone who wishes to improve their knitting skills.

    • Being Knitterly

      Thank you Gina! I’m looking forward to seeing photos of your finished garments.

  6. Julie Lloyd (verified owner)

    I attended the workshop on 09/02/19.
    Recently started knitting again after a long gap. Very disappointed with the results. I love knitting but avoid making up.
    Easily the least skilled person there. Nicki was exteremely patient with my ham fisted efforts. She demonstrated useful techniques and explained them well. Small friendly group. Good home cooked food. Would definitely recommend.

    • Being Knitterly

      Most knitters coming to this workshop are good knitters who struggle with finishing their garments. I hope that now you can put these techniques into practice you will be proud of what you make!

  7. Anna-Marie Marsh (verified owner)

    I attended the Finishing Techniques workshop with Nicki on 14th September. I had previously made a couple of garments but wasn’t completely happy with the way they looked and really felt this workshop would help me in many ways. We covered so many techniques and methods on the day as well as the importance of a tension square and types of blocking. All really great and very helpful for my future knitting projects. Thank you Nicki for your patience and encouragement. Look forward to seeing you again soon.

    • Being Knitterly

      Thank you Anna-Marie, I look forward to seeing your beautifully finished garments!

  8. joanna (verified owner)

    A delayed review as I’ve been away, but no less appreciative of an excellent course. I learnt a lot of new techniques and hope to use them on my next project. Thank you so much for all your help and encouragement plus the yummy food throughout the day. Highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn about finishing techniques.

    • Being Knitterly

      Glad you enjoyed the workshop Joanna. Looking forward to seeing your beautifully finished garments.

  9. Ruth Pickering (verified owner)

    Thank you Nicki for a really enjoyable and informative Worksop, plus a great lunch and cake. I’d been wanting to attend one of your workshops for ages. The techniques we learned will really help make garments look better. All the knitters attending were very nervous that we weren’t advanced enough for the course but it was just at the right level for us all. I will definitely be looking to attend another workshop or the weekly classes.

    • Being Knitterly

      That’s brilliant Ruth! I look forward to seeing what you make.

  10. Maxine (verified owner)

    I learned new things in the first five minutes, and that went on all day! I’ve never been able to make up knitted garments successfully, and Nikki’s approach was perfect for me. Everything was written down with diagrams, she showed us how she did it then we tried it out ourselves. I’m still thinking about the day and using the handouts, and I’m knitting a new jumper so I can use the techniques. It was a really good day, thank you!

  11. Margaret Stanley

    This is the second workshop I have had with Nicki. I will certainly be doing more when relevant. Interesting, educational and inspiring. The information is given in easy to understand language and the one on one teaching when applicable is brilliant. These courses are worth every penny. Also came away with a brilliant set of notes for anything I had forgotten. For any knitter these are must do workshops

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