Knitting course in April 2018
How to Knit Cables short course
Let me tell you a bit about my popular cable knitting short course that I’m running in April 2018.
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Why come to this cable knitting short course?
Maybe you’ve never tried cable knitting or you’ve tried to knit cables and struggled. Or, you might have struggled to follow written instructions or charts for cable knitting. You might have already done the How to Knit for Improvers short course with me and want to move on. As long as you are confident with the basic stitches (knit and purl) and can follow a simple pattern, then you are ready for How to Knit Cables. Whatever your reason, you’ll have so much fun trying different stitch patterns. And after the course, you’ll have lots of ideas for new cable projects.
I’ll also provide delicious homemade biscuits or cake and a variety of hot drinks.
How will you learn?
I’ll demonstrate each cable stitch pattern, both to groups and individuals. The first few times that you knit a cable, I’ll talk you through the process as you do it. When you’re learning each cable stitch pattern you’ll repeat it several times to make a small sample. You’ll also be given a handout with photographs, charts, and written instructions for each stitch. Practise makes perfect, so a bit of practice between each class will help too.
You’ll leave with lots of small cable stitch samples, starting with single cables and building up to plaits and braids.
What will you learn?
You’ll learn to:
- Use a cable needle.
- Knit single cables, double cables, travelling stitches and bobbles, plaits and braids.
- Understand charts as well as follow written instructions.
In the first class, you’ll start with the simplest cables. By the end of this class, you’ll have knitted cables of different sizes, as well as trying out a variety of cable needles. And I’ll help you to understand both written and charted instructions since it’s really best when you can use both together.
In the second class, you’ll knit a variety of double cables. You’ll use everything that you learnt in the first class to knit more complex looking cables, only you’ll realise that double cables are really not that difficult!
In the third class, you’ll knit bobbles and travelling stitches. Bobbles are fun and add a different kind of texture to cables whereas travelling stitches move knit stitches over a purl background. This enables you to knit cables that are more open and look quite different from single and double cables.
By the final class, you’ll be ready for the grand finale: cable plaits and braids. You might look at these and think “Whoa, I can’t knit that!” However, you’ll just have to believe me: after the first three classes, you really can!
“Excellent course which taught me how to tackle cable knitting. Not nearly as difficult as I imagined, but that was entirely due to expert tuition from Nicki. Very clear instructions and helpful hints from Nicki as we went along. Able to finish off samples at home with time to absorb technique and really understand the knitting.”
During these four classes, you’ll knit cable stitch patterns samples rather than a project. This means that you get to try out more cable stitch patterns with me there to help you. You’ll love having knitted so many cable stitch patterns by the end of the course. And you’ll have lots of ideas for your own projects!
When does it take place?
19:00–21:00, Tuesday evenings, 10, 17 & 24 April 2018.
Where is the Being Knitterly Studio?
The Being Knitterly Studio is based in Loughborough, north Leicestershire. Full details and directions will be sent to you upon booking.
Booking has closed.
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How to Knit short courses
How to Knit short courses for beginners and improvers – for each course choose a class on three of the following dates:
- 25 October; 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 November 2022
when is the 2022 class for cables please? or any 121 sessions?
Hi Jacqui,
Thank you for your enquiry about learning to knit cables. I do not run this as a separate course anymore. However, I have just opened booking for my How to Knit short courses for beginners and improvers. I could run the cable course at the same time – you would need to book four classes for this course. Alternatively, you could book one or more one-to-one tutorials.
Please take a look at the relevant web pages (links above) and let me know what suits you best.