I’ve finished crocheting the granny stripes!
Since the last post I crocheted a few more rows of granny stripes. I took the fabric to Squirrel to check it for size, crocheted some more rows and now it is finished.

Here it is in all its colourful glory! Very jolly!
Installing the yarn bombing

Another quick visit to Squirrel, a bit of stitching and I have finished yarn bombing. What fun!
I had planned on covering the two sides of the sign, but once I had started crocheting I realised the scale of the project, so I decided to cover the top instead.
Do you want to see the shop front?

Of course you do! Here is the sign with its yarn bombing outside the shop. Sue and Barbara have created a yarn-themed window display in honour of the crochet workshops I’m going to teach there. You might be able to make out the giant knitting needles and knitting.
Let’s have a closer look. There’s a cute contemporary cushion and a vintage crochet throw. They have quite a collection of vintage buttons and threads. Do you see the sewing box? When I was a child, I had a similar one.

I still have the Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework; mine has the same cover as the one here. I was given it when still at school and used it to learn crochet, embroidery, patchwork, applique and eventually knitting. If you like needlework it is worth getting one. And just in front of the book are some of my mandala and granny square samples.

Update: The “Learn to Crochet” classes are fully booked and have started. There are still places available for “Granny Squares and Mandalas” on Sunday 5th October.
How to Crochet short courses
How to Crochet short courses for beginners and improvers– for each course choose a class on three of the following dates.
- 2, 9, 16, & 23 May and 6, 13, 20 & 27 June 2023
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