Happy holiday hopping
Early one morning, a few weeks ago, Little Bunny and Big Bunny took a train to go holiday hopping. They were so excited at the prospect of exploring somewhere new.

The two bunnies enjoyed looking out of the train window, watching the fields pass by. As we travelled south, the crops changed from wheat to sunflowers, vines and orchard fruit. Finally we arrived at our destination, Avignon.

Bunnies don’t like heights!
We went to Arles and visited the Roman amphitheatre. It’s quite impressive, but Little Bunny and Big Bunny were frightened. They didn’t like being so high up. Bunnies much prefer being on the ground or below the ground.

Little Bunny and Big Bunny did enjoy wandering around the narrow streets of the old town; it was a bit like a rabbit warren. They were rather taken with Woven Pig. They wanted him to come home with us, but Woven Pig said he much preferred sunny places to rainy ones.

Little Bunny and Big Bunny did think that Arles must be more rainy than Woven Pig claimed when they saw this street. The colourful umbrellas looked so jolly in the sunshine.

The bridge that is not a bridge
On a relatively cool day we took a bus to visit Pont du Gard. This Roman aqueduct impressed the two bunnies. They were quite happy to hop around along the river Gard but were’t so keen on going to the top.

We also visited the museum close by, which traces the history of the aqueduct and the importance of water to the Romans. This is one of the best museums that I have visited. The bunnies are not so impressed with the Romans since they discovered why they introduced rabbits to the UK!
Au secours!
We visited more Roman remains in Nîmes. There’s another amphitheatre, a tower (Le Tour Magne) and the amazing Maison Carrée.

The two bunnies were admiring the carvings on the Maison Carrée, when a man picked them up. Poor bunnies! They didn’t understand what he was saying.

Fortunately, Mr BK, speaks German and said that the man was just worried about two little bunnies hopping around. Little Bunny and Big Bunny were rescued and reassured that the man was friendly, though they hid for the rest of the visit.
They weren’t even tempted to come out by these amazing patisserie.

Market day
After their adventure in Nîmes, the bunnies refused to leave the apartment. Mr BK and I took a bus to L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue on market day. We love visiting markets when we’re on holiday. It’s always interesting to see all the wonderful fruit and vegetables, and to buy and cook the varieties we don’t see in the UK.
These gourds caught my eye, though, I think they were sold for decorative purposes.

And look at these wonderful tomatoes; all those different colours, sizes and shapes! I can tell you they were delicious!

Home again!
Finally it was time to come stop holiday hopping and come home. This helpful screen told us that our train was not where it should be! Bored bunnies! And not much fun when you know you are going to miss your connection in Paris, before you even leave Avignon.

The wonderful people at the Eurostar terminal in Paris were really helpful; so soon we were boarding a train home. And the meal served certainly cheered up Little Bunny and Big Bunny.

And now they’re home, they’re telling their furry friends about their holiday hopping adventures. How brave they were in the amphitheatre, how they hid from the Romans and how they escaped from their kidnapper!
Little Bunny and Big Bunny would like to know about the adventures your bunnies had this summer. And if you haven’t got a bunny yet, they’d like you to make one (bunny making instructions). Then, they’d like you to take photos of your bunnies and post pictures on the Being Knitterly Facebook page or tweet pictures to @BeingKnitterly with the hashtag #happyhopping. Little Bunny and Big Bunny are hopping about with excitement in anticipation.