I am delighted to invite you to classes and workshops again. It has been an anxious time for all of us, so while you are at the Being Knitterly Studio I want you to feel comfortable and enjoy your class or workshop. Here is some information about how we shall be running the classes and workshops.

We are:

  • Fully vaccinated and using lateral flow tests twice a week. If either of us tests positive, the class or workshop will be postponed.
  • Having fewer students than usual so everyone can socially distance.
  • Ventilating rooms by opening external doors and windows.
  • Cleaning before each class or workshop.
  • Providing hand sanitiser so we can all clean our hands frequently.
  • Providing wipes so we can clean any shared equipment.

We ask you to:

  • Take into account your own age and any health conditions or vulnerabilities before booking a place for a class or workshop.
  • Follow any relevant guidance on travel.
  • Check for symptoms of Covid-19 (a high temperature, new and persistent cough, or a loss of/change in sense of taste or smell) before coming to a class or workshop.
  • Not attend if you, our anyone you live with, has symptoms of Covid-19, has tested positive for Covid-19, or needs to self-isolate.
  • Bring a face covering to wear when moving around.